Cities And Humanity
Fascination That Cites Bring
Why do we need good cities with good designs? Why is it that some cities fail but some achieve triumphs? Cities bring fascinations to us all, each of them in their own unique ways. It was only the old era when cities were only considered as serviceable areas with buildings and streets. And they were not even designed with any specific professional planning. When it comes to a well-designed city, a city can do a lot more to secure beneficial outcomes such as good environment, activities, convenience, economy, beauty, thus resulting in the overall happiness of the people. So that's why need good cities with good designs to provoke positive consequences along with the fascination that the cities bring.
Jon Oh (Janghyun Oh)
I am an engineer currently studying civil engineering, a musician who's a guitarist and a singer-songwriter, a traveler. I have been to many countries and even spent a few years in some. Having been to many places around the world in the past years got me interested in the field of urban studies. I post writings here on my blog to learn more on urban design and subjects related to it out of school and from articles, books, and videos. This is my own platform where I can learn out of curiosity, not from the responsibility nor the pressure of having to get good GPA scores.
As mentioned above, this is just a personal blog of mine where I write on urban design and my own perspectives on a wide variety of things on civil engineering. I'll be posting as I travel and write down how different cities are differently designed and how the difference and the uniqueness of a city affect the human mind and behavior. And mostly, I'll be talking about urban design and subjects related to it for the purpose of educational learning.
Urban Design
Developing of cities that leads to happiness and quality
from social matters and issues